Magnetic Pickup
Motor devrini AC voltajına dönüştürme • Hareketli parça yok • Kendinden beslemeli • Aşırı sıcaklık aralığına dayanıklı • Şok ve titreşime dayanıklı • Kablo uçları veya kablo konektörleri seçimi imkânı
Dijital Governor , Up/down ile Hız ayarlama
DPG-2201-00X dijital kontrolör, öncelik olarak jeneratör setlerinin dizel veya gaz yakıtlı motorlarını yönetmek için kullanılır. Bu mikroişlemci tabanlı dijital denetleyici, geniş bir hız aralığında çalışır ve yerleşik kullanıcı arabirimi aracılığıyla tüm denetleyici özelliklerinin ayarlanmasını sağlar. Uygun şekilde ayarlanmış bu governor, hassas sabit eşzamanlı çalışma sağlarken hız veya yük değişikliklerine karşı hızlı motor tepkisi sağlar. Denetleyici yanıtını birçok motor uygulamasına uyarlayabilmek için ayrı ayrı programlanabilen bu cihaz Oransal, Integral ve Türev kazançları sağlar. Diğer ayarlama özellikleri arasında hızlanma ve yavaşlama rampa oranları, başlatma ve tork sınırlandırması, rölanti hızı ve rölanti tutma süresi bulunur. Bu kontrolör ayrıca 100 kullanıcı tarafından seçilebilen droop seviyesi ile droop hızı kontrolü sağlayabilir. Kontrolörün dahili FAILSAFE motor hız sinyalinin kaybına anında tepki vererek, aktüatörün minimum yakıta dönmesine olanak sağlar.
Dijital Governor , Potansiyemetre ile hız ayarlama
DPG-2223-00X dijital kontrolör, öncelik olarak jeneratör setlerinin dizel veya gaz yakıtlı motorlarını yönetmek için kullanılır. Bu mikroişlemci tabanlı dijital denetleyici, geniş bir hız aralığında çalışır ve yerleşik kullanıcı arabirimi aracılığıyla tüm denetleyici özelliklerinin ayarlanmasını sağlar. Uygun şekilde ayarlanmış bu governor, hassas sabit eşzamanlı çalışma sağlarken hız veya yük değişikliklerine karşı hızlı motor tepkisi sağlar. Denetleyici yanıtını birçok motor uygulamasına uyarlayabilmek için ayrı ayrı programlanabilen bu cihaz Oransal, Integral ve Türev kazançları sağlar. Diğer ayarlama özellikleri arasında hızlanma ve yavaşlama rampa oranları, başlatma ve tork sınırlandırması, rölanti hızı ve rölanti tutma süresi bulunur. Bu kontrolör ayrıca 100 kullanıcı tarafından seçilebilen droop seviyesi ile droop hızı kontrolü sağlayabilir. Kontrolörün dahili FAILSAFE motor hız sinyalinin kaybına anında tepki vererek, aktüatörün minimum yakıta dönmesine olanak sağlar.
Electrically Powered Governor
Her bir Woodward Elektrikle Çalışan Governor (EPG) sistemi üç temel parça içerir: • Motor devrini motorlu bir vitesten algılayan Manyetik bir alıcı (MPU) • MPU'dan hız sinyalini alan, bir referans sinyaliyle karşılaştıran ve kontrolün aktüatöre gönderdiği bir kontrol sinyali üreten bir hız kontrolü. • Sinyali kumandadan alan ve çıkış milini bu sinyale göre konumlandıran bir aktüatör. Çıkış mili yakıt kontrolüne bağlıdır. İki EPG modeli mevcuttur: 1. Başlangıç yakıt limiti veya çift dinamikle kullanılabilen eşzamanlı hız kontrolü 2. Bir yük sensörü içeren ve jeneratör setleri için droop kontrolü sağlayan droop hız kontrolü. Farklı çalışmalarda kullanım amacıyla çıkış gereksinimleri için farklı aktüatör boyutları mevcuttur. 12 veya 24 voltluk sistemler için modeller mevcuttur.
DYNA 2500 SERIES Engine linear actuators
DYNA 2500 linear actuators provide precise positioning with a minimal number of moving parts. Many of the moving parts normally associated with electric actuators are eliminated, prolonging the mean time between failure.
APECS 0175 SERIES Engine linear actuators
Woodward APECS linear actuators provide proportional fuel control for construction, industrial, and agricultural equipment, forming the foundation of full electronic governing systems.
APECS 0225 SERIES Engine linear actuators
Ball bearing design of the APECS 0225 linear actuator reduces friction and delivers precise engine control. This design minimizes heat buildup, resulting in more consistent force and improved position repeatability.
APECS 0275 SERIES Engine linear actuators
Ball bearing design of the APECS 0275 linear actuator reduces friction and delivers more precise engine control. This design minimizes heat buildup, resulting in more consistent force and improved position repeatability.
DYNA 2000 SERIES Engine linear actuators
DYNA 2000 linear actuators provide precise positioning with a minimal number of moving parts. Many of the moving parts normally associated with electric actuators are eliminated, prolonging the mean time between failure.
DYNA 7000 SERIES Engine rotary actuators
APECS DYNA 7000 actuator fits into a wide range of fuel systems. This compact rotary drive can be used in gasoline, natural gas and diesel engines. For carburetor and throttle applications, a direct connection between the actuator shaft and the throttle shaft is possible, eliminating the need for external coupling.
DYNA 70025 SERIES Engine rotary actuators
The DYNA 70025 multi-turn actuators integrated into the pump caps of Stanadyne's "D" range of fuel injection pumps eliminates the need to replace internal parts or add external couplings. New lids can be easily installed by removing the existing lid and replacing it with a new lid.
DYNA 8000 SERIES Engine rotary actuators
Woodward rotary actuators DYNA 8000 series are components of governor systems used to control the speed and power of reciprocating and gas turbine engines or steam and water turbines.
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Stanadyne Speed Cntrl
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-Series Actuator Delphi Shaft w/Lever, Speed Cntrl
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Stanadyne Speed Cntrl, 180
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Speed Cntrl, 6-Shaft, Std Cvr, w/o CAN
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Speed Cntrl, 5-Shaft, Std Cvr, w/o CAN
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Position Cntrl, Std Cvr, w/o CAN
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Speed Cntrl, Std Cvr, w/o CAN
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Speed Cntrl, Std Cvr, Delphi CVR, w/o CAN
"The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Position Cntrl, Std Cvr, CAN
The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control
F-SERIES ACTUATOR 23-Pin, Std Mnt, Std Shaft
"The F-Series Modular Actuator is an electric bi-directional actuator with an integral driver. The F-Series Modular Actuator is designed to be engine-mounted for various position control functions on reciprocating engines used in industrial and on-highway service."
F-SERIES ACTUATOR 35-Pin, Proact Mnt
"The F-Series Modular Actuator is an electric bi-directional actuator with an integral driver. The F-Series Modular Actuator is designed to be engine-mounted for various position control functions on reciprocating engines used in industrial and on-highway service."
F-SERIES ACTUATOR 23-Pin, Std Mnt, Std Shaft
"The F-Series Modular Actuator is an electric bi-directional actuator with an integral driver. The F-Series Modular Actuator is designed to be engine-mounted for various position control functions on reciprocating engines used in industrial and on-highway service."
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Stanadyne Speed Cntrl, Altitude
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ACTUATOR Speed Cntrl, 4-Shaft, Std Cvr, w/o CAN
The Woodward L-Series combines the L-Series electric actuator with integrated speed control software to control the speed of a diesel or gaseous engine. The L-Series is a microprocessor-based control that is incorporated into the actuator, creating a single integrated package. For pricing and availability, sign in to your Woodward account. *Note: For shipments outside the USA, please contact your Woodward Customer Service Representative, or an authorized Woodward Business Partner serving your area.
DYNA PLUS SERIES Engine rotary actuators
DYNA Plus actuators are suitable for use with all Woodward controls, as motor controllers for speed and power control of reciprocating and gas turbine engines or steam and water turbines. The actuators can also be used in remote controls for positioning and load distribution.
F-SERIES ITB 33mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, B
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 48mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, B, Flo-Tech, N/O
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 60mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, A, Flo-Tech, N/O
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 60mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, B, Flo-Tech
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 48mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 48mm, 23-Pin, M08 Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 60mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 14-Pin, M10 Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtur
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, A, Flo-Tech, N/O
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 48mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 48mm, 14-Pin, M08 Mnt, B
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 60mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 14-Pin, M10 Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 60mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 23-Pin, Std Mnt, B, Flo-Tech
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 68mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, B
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 60mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, D, Flo-Tech
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
F-SERIES ITB 75mm, 14-Pin, Std Mnt, A
The F-Series Integrated Throttle Bodies (ITB) are butterfly valves electrically actuated by an F-Series actuator to control flow output. The F-Series ITB is designed to throttle air or air/fuel mixtures for gaseous engines in industrial and on-highway service.
L-SERIES ITB 22mm, Position Control
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 25mm, LC50, 27mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 43mm, LC50, 29mm O-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 50mm, LC50, 36mm O-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 30mm, LC50, 30mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 36mm, LC50, 34mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 43mm, LC50, 40mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Speed Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Process Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 50mm, LC50, 47mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, LC50, 27mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB MAS 25mm, LC50, 27mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, LC50, 34mm X-Mix, Pos Cntrl, MAS
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, LC50, 47mm X-Mix, Pos Cntrl, MAS
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, LC50, 40mm X-Mix, Spd Cntrl, MAS
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, LC50, 27mm X-Mix, Pos Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, LC50, 34mm X-Mix, Pos Cntrl
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, LC50, 40mm X-Mix, Pos Cntrl, MAS
The L-Series LC-50 provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, a mixer, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series LC-50 incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate and adds a venturi-style annular ring mixer to the L-Series ITB.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Speed Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Speed Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Pos Cntrl, CAN
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Process Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Spd Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Process Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Process Cntrl, Sealed
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, AFR Cntrl, Sealed, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, AFR Cntrl, Sealed, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Process Cntrl, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, AFR Cntrl, Sealed, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Pos Cntrl, PWM, Onan V6
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/O
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Pos Cntrl, PWM, Onan V10
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Pos Cntrl, PWM, OH 1.2 LPG
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Speed Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Speed Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, posi
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Speed Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Speed Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Position Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 50mm, Speed Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 25mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 16mm, Trim Valve, Process Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 30mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 22mm, Trim Valve, Process Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 36mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 16mm, Trim Valve, Pos Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 43mm, Pos Cntrl, Sealed, PWM, N/C
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
L-SERIES ITB 22mm, Trim Valve, Pos Cntrl
The L-Series ITB provides a building block approach to total engine management. The modular design consist of a die-cast aluminum throttle body, and a fully programmable integrated digital speed, position or process control, and bi-directional actuator. The L-Series ITB incorporates the Woodward L-Series control with a throttle plate.
PROACT ITB 120MM Valve/Act, MS, Speed Ctrl
120MM Integrated Throttle Body (ITB) with digital electric ProAct II actuator, MS connector, no return spring, for speed control.
PROACT SERIES Digital and Analog Electric Actuator
Woodward’s ProAct™ digital electric actuator and positioner incorporate a rotary output shaft used to accurately position integrated throttle bodies (ITB) of various sizes.